Who are Our Directors?

A Director of the District is anyone who has been elected or appointed to serve on a conservation district board. To ensure that there is proper representation, each district is divided into legally defined zones. Directors are then elected or appointed for those zones. By statute ORS 568.560, a seven-member board must have five zone director positions and two at-large positions. Each Director is elected by the registered voters of the district to serve a four-year term.

Director Roles & Responsibilities

  • Serve as a conservation district spokesperson
  • Manage projects/committing resources
  • Actively participate in monthly board meetings
  • Stay abreast of local conservation issues
  • Obligate conservation district funds
  • Promote the conservation district’s work to landowners, its constituency, agencies, and organizations
  • Promote the conservation district’s work to legislators regarding funding
  • Help identify local conservation needs, programs, and services
  • Keep the conservation district’s mission in focus
  • Develop and implement a long- range plan and an annual work plan
  • Seek new partners in conservation efforts
  • Work with other Directors to achieve the Vision of the district

Associate Board Members

Interested in becoming an Associate Board Director? It’s a great way to get involved with environmental restoration and conservation work in a leadership position and also to show your passion for the environment and our community. While Associates do not have a vote, they play a vital role in directing the conversation and representing the District’s work to the public.

Potential Associate Directors must attend at least two Board meetings, held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, submit a letter of interest to the Board and seek recommendation from a member of the Board or the UWSWCD staff.

Associate Directors can be appointed to be full Directors an at-large directorship at any time if they are registered to vote within the district. An Associate Director can be appointed to a zone directorship if they meet the regular requirements of being a zone director at any time. They are also required to be a registered voter within the zone they will represent.

Please contact Leslie Owens at [email protected] for more information.

Director Terms

Each District has either five (5) or seven (7) Directors; (example: 5 Directors and two at-large Director Positions). Each term of office for each position is four (4) years, and requires election to that office.

UWSWCD Board Members & Directors

Al Hrynyshyn –
Vice-Chair, Zone 1 Director
Genevieve R Schaack –
Secretary, Zone 2 Director
Zone 3 Director
Headshot of Craig Marcus - associate director
Craig Marcus
Treasurer, Zone 4 Director
Art Ayre
Zone 5 Director
Ben Larson
At Large 1 Director
Headshot of Karl Morgenstern At Large 2 Director
Karl Morgenstern
Chair, At Large 2 Director
We are looking for
Associate Directors

Director Elections

Thank you for your interest in the position of director with your local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is the elections officer for the SWCD director elections, as per Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 568.520 and 568.530. This packet contained information about the 2024 election process, and includes the forms needed to file for the position of SWCD director: 2024 Candidate Packet for SWCD Director Elections. We've left it in place for informational purposes.

Please check back later for 2026 election information.

Ready for assistance or have questions?

We're here to work in partnership with landowners, local conservation nonprofits and local, state, and federal agencies to protect and enhance the ecosystems of Lane County.