Upper Willamette SWCD works with property owners to find funding and create a management plan that improves water, soil, and wildlife habitat. Below are some examples of what we can do – what can we help you with on your farm?
Manure Management
Manure Management
This project was implemented to address property owner concerns associated with run-off from her livestock operation. The site was surrounded by a large pond and wetlands. Prior to this project manure produced by the livestock was stockpiled uncovered within 100 feet of the wetland area and trucked off site twice a year.
The District worked with the property owner to apply for a small grant and create a plan that would improve water quality and cost effectively manage the manure. The solution included a composting structure that allows the manure to fully compost before being used as a source of nutrients that has increased garden and paddock production. Time required to clean the stable area has been reduced and made much easier during the wet, winter months. The property owner no longer has to worry about run-off from her property contaminating the adjacent wetlands.
Livestock Exclusion
Livestock Exclusion
Savanna and Woodland Enhancement
Savanna and Woodland Enhancement
Stream Restoration
Stream Restoration
A land owner contacted us about lack of fish in a stream that ran through his property. Upper Willamette SWCD conducted a site visit and noted a lack of large woody debris in the stream as well as a lack of shade to keep the stream cool enough for fish. A small grant funded the removal of invasive species next to the stream and the planting of a diverse mix of native plants and trees. Logs were placed in strategic areas to slow the flow of water and reconnect the stream to its original floodplain. This reduced flooding, mud sediment, and increased the stream gravel bed formation that is essential to attract spawning salmon.
Past Projects (2021-2022)
These are just a few of our success stories from the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year.
The UWSWCD awarded six Farmers Market Grants to local Farmers Markets throughout our District. The six applicants and awardees for the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 were: The Whiteaker Community Market, The Oakridge Community Farmers Market, Veneta’s Downtown Farmers Market, South Valley Farmers Market, Lost Valley Farmers Market, Lane County Farmers Market. The UWSWD Farmers Market Grants support projects designed to accomplish one or more of the following:
- Increase community participation in market events
- Increase the number of vendors over previous years
- Educate the public on a conservation-related topic (e.g., food production, gardening, water use, soil health, food quality)
- Make healthy, fresh agricultural products accessible to all demographics of the county (e.g., matching funds from SNAP or other assistance programs).
Holiday Farm Fire Post-Fire Watershed Restoration
In this fiscal year, the UWSWCD continued to serve as an integral partner in the Pure Water Partners (PWP) program, primarily focused on post-fire watershed restoration. The UWSWCD dedicated three full-time staff to manage and implement post-fire restoration actions on McKenzie watershed fire-impacted private lands. The UWSWCD assisted the PWP team to work with landowners and contractors to support watershed restoration:
- Planted nearly 500,000 native shrubs and trees across 120 properties this winter (planted over 200,000 plants across 90 properties in 2021) January-March 2021.
- PWP project managers conducted property assessments to determine primary natural resource concerns using specially designed ArcGIS applications on approximately 300 properties.
- Implemented erosion control mitigation best management practices in burned areas especially those close to waterways. Erosion control measures included hydroseeding and broadcast seeding with a native seed mix and installing biodegradable jute wattles and jute matting to slow sediment and pollution run-off.
- Completed fire fuels reduction treatments on over 50 properties. These treatments included removing dead and dying woody material, chipping and masticating vegetation and woody materials, removing ladder fuels including invasive vegetation and dense understory vegetation, and removing lower limbs of trees that pose a risk to structures and human health.
- Treated invasive vegetation using integrated vegetation management techniques on over 60 properties.
- Coordinated, participated in, and supported the Blue River Park restoration planting event.
- Learn more about the PWP.
Upper Willamette Environmental Education Team
The district provides support to the Upper Willamette Environmental Education Team, coordinated through the Middle Fork Willamette Watershed Council, to expand and coordinate place-based education opportunities to students throughout the district, as well as supporting the district in the development of our Environmental Education grant-making program.