November 4, 2020
The Board of Directors and staff of the Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District thanks the citizens of Lane County for your support and passage of Measure #20-312. This important funding measure will allow us to not only fully continue our present operations, but also expand the services and funding for the programs that you have requested. As the public voice for the protection and conservation of your water and soil resources, we will strive to be an open, honest, positive model for local municipal government in action. Water and soil conservation efforts can take on a myriad of forms, and we look forward to increased public input in determining the focus and direction of the financial resources you have entrusted us with. Please connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @uwswcd and participate in helping Lane County continue to be a healthy, sustainable community for all. Thanks again Lane County!
Alec Hrynyshyn, UWSWCD Board Chair